Ladie Butterfly's Bus Conversion


Ideas and All things in Between

This is some tongue and groove that i had left over from the panel that was made for the front passanger side of the bus. I put it up to see how it would go around the curve. I loved it once I got it up. I want to do the front of the bus with this and then towards the back I would like to put up some type of paneling. Under the tongue n' groove and paneling I want to put up vinyl back insulation.

Paint Ideas

This is an idea I had for painting the bus. White on top to control the heat, cream or lite tan color next and then two tones of blue or aqua for some kind of wave action. We want to spend most of are time at the beach so something like a ocean theme I was thinking. We had other plans for painting her diffent shades of blue with flames running down her side but that is out of the picture now.  The little pic at the top was a suggest license plate but I think I will pass on that and think of something else. My call name is Ladie Butterfly so my be something to do with that.


Well I made a new table for my trailer so that gives me idea of how I will do the table in the bus. Will have to find something that will go around the edge of the table friend suggested some stick on laminate or veneer. Will figure it out when I get that far. At least with the stuff that I got I wont have to laminate the whole thing just the edges.